Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

Sunday, May 8th 2011 we celebrated Mother's Day at my parents' house for supper. One would think a son would invite his mother over to his house for supper, but in this family it seems to be a tradition we go over there for a lobster feast. It also happens to be my birthday in a few days, so we kind of have a double-celebration.
This year I got my mom a gift certificate from Café Archibald, a cozy little European Bistro in Moncton and Dieppe. Instead of buying an expensive card, I decided to unleash my inner 9 year-old and coloured on the enveloppe. Haha! That is so not me. I don't know, but maybe getting older makes me want to reach out to my youth. So here's my little doodle, mom...

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